Saturday, November 7, 2015

Epic Fortnight: Day 6

Miles Traveled: 411

States Covered: Colorado, New Mexico, Arizona

States That Were Completely New to Me: 2

Trains Spotted: 2

Route: US 160, US 89, US 64

Number of Selfies Dad Accidentally Took by Holding Down the Button: 36

I'm not going to lie, I'm getting a little burned out.  Which is ridiculous, considering all I've basically done for a week is sit in a car.  So naturally, we're going to hike the Grand Canyon tomorrow.

Oh, P.S., we made it to the Grand Canyon today!
That's right, we finally made it out of Colorado.  You know, I get why Colorado is a thing.  It's ridiculously beautiful, lots of different terrains, good beer, and nice people.  The mountains are almost offensively beautiful, and everyone seems pretty chill.  It may be a little too groovy for me, and I think I love water too much for me to be a true devotee of the state, but I could definitely stand to spend some more time there.  But not on this trip.  It was time to move on.

And move on we did!  Yesterday we made it through those glorious mountains with their sugar coating of snow, and I was a little disappointed to come out on the other side.  There's something so anticlimactic about driving out of the mountains.  Especially after spending so much time with these views.

I could hang out there all day, every day.  But only if there was a theatre.  There should be more professional theatres on top of mountains.  Just throwing it out there.

After a day in the mountains, we spent some time in Durango, CO, which had a much more South West feeling.  AND the most amazing vintage store I've seen in my life (I don't know how I made it out unscathed), plus a beautiful leather goods store.  Apparently Durango wanted all of my money.  I did not oblige... sadly.

Today was more amazing, though very different views.

Good times.  But now sleep.

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